that was awesome
if only i was a clock
first of all im starting to hate the locks
the clocks are classic
can you give us the web/url?
anyways pretty plz w/ weat on top?
that was awesome
if only i was a clock
first of all im starting to hate the locks
the clocks are classic
can you give us the web/url?
anyways pretty plz w/ weat on top?
why, thanks. the clock crew website is at,
the reasons i rated your movie as so being!
ok man let review the movie... everything starts a 10!
the black and white is not good so you get a -5 in graphix then its blurry so you get another -5 in graphix! the style is gross and sick so you get a -5! the music is not going with the music so you get a -5! the violence is hard core so you get a +3 but your doing it on an annimal and thats not cool so you get a -5! theres no interactivity so u get a 0!(dont worry this is not a game) there is not supose to be any humor but i found myself chuckling at everything you made and how you made it so ill give you a -9!
and the overall is how muched i liked it-and illtell you ive seen worse(axually much worse) so ill just -8!
awwwwwww mayun
proud owner of what?
the animation was sweet im not a big rap fan so u get a low score in sound! but the animation kicked ass!
Thanks, the music was not meant to fit I is just my favorite song!
shoot... i liked it... but whats a muntosh? the music was a bit anoying... and is this a trailer or wat? its vague!
bill! bill! bill!
thats my favorite!
did i get lost... or is it not finished...
well scince i think its unfinished your perfect score is unfinished
When the screen faded to black, that meant it was finished, which means there is gonna be another episode.
you have a ton of sprites in there! keep up the good work! txmafio...... hmmmmm...
i didnt see tear of london! wat is it? any ways you get a 8 because you worked on it! and it axually touches me! OH!-IM FINNALLY GLAD TO SEE SUM 1 FOR BUSH! ummm ive seen those pics some where eles tho-
Jordan, a creative mind always looking to inspire others. Let's make something awesome together!
Joined on 6/20/05