here u go
ok i have few things to say..
half baked was a horrible movie
mr.trigger happy tv
resaboir dogs was the best movie mr.Assfiles Inc
btw.. that was to random just like you stole it but if you didnt
great work!
here u go
ok i have few things to say..
half baked was a horrible movie
mr.trigger happy tv
resaboir dogs was the best movie mr.Assfiles Inc
btw.. that was to random just like you stole it but if you didnt
great work!
i like the music
i like the mushroom clock!
but there was those clowns
that really messed it up!
gosh you really you need to stop random work!
tsk tsk!
:( but :)
nor <_> alright
but maybe >_<
or {*.*}
good good...
i liked it so much omg omg i cant believe you made such a good anime parody good freaking job ^_^!
did you know that its messed up tho-?
it loops amd the music doubles up with it...
Yeah I noticed :( Well, I will have to do better in the future.
Thanks a lot for the review
ok mario does not talk
if mario would've won it wouldve been better to my opinioin! and if they didnt talk and it had an actual fight seen it would of gotten better reviews
but i like sprites so you get a ten
that was the best
wow that was pretty sweet! i like everything about it!
and was the pizza milkshake any good? nice singin too, i suk at it...
great jokes... and nice, smooth animation!
I don't know about the pizza milkshake being any good...and I really DON'T want to find out :S
But thanks for your comments! There will be more singing if I have anything to do with it. Which I do. So there will :)
perfect movie but i have something to say!
i love your flash!
i love starwars! i love lite sabers! i love the chickenpox!
great freaking Job!
this was the coolest movie ever
i hated the idea!
but you have potential sir!
i love your movie!
i am telling you to keep up the good freaking work!
now go away!
i love sprites
sprites are the best
i love your work because its random!
great job!!
keep up the good work!
Oh I will. ;D
Jordan, a creative mind always looking to inspire others. Let's make something awesome together!
Joined on 6/20/05