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Wondering if today would be the day, if she will show me where to find a cow, Syd opened his window for a feeling of adventure. I'll just have to wait. A cow would be so great to have, riding it where ever I go. Looking out his window, seeing the sun rise. Watching it drag itself into they gray sky. Hoping she would come over and show him the way. Cows, salmon, grass, and dandelions, blue skies, he wanted it to experience it all. It was breezy and cold outside, Syd lit a fire in a fireplace, to stop the shivers. As mid-day passed, Syd shut his blinds. Watching the sun hang in the sky made him realize, he wasn't going anywhere today. It was evening and he thought of water droplets falling from the sky, that his mother use to tell him about in stories before Vesta became a waste land. Why am I here? he wondered. There has to be a place thats warm all the time, a place where I can have salmon friends, and not be so lonely. Earth looks so wonderful, he thought as he flipped through the photographs he had. The stories of earth, kept him home, rumors said that it was condemned. His kind were banned from going there. Vestian Scroll, says that ones from earth are evil. A race separated by fear, he may never go to earth even if he knew the way. He wanted to go, but was afraid that society would reject him for wanting that. I hate living here, he told himself. Living in a house in this dessert planet. Life shouldn't have to be so dull. Syd didn't watch todays sunset, it reminded him that today was a waisted day, he turned his back as the 2 suns sank into the ground.