I've had this Moon Flower growing in my room for a long time... It just bloomed, man it is such a treat.
You can see more pictures of it, at my site.
Jordan, a creative mind always looking to inspire others. Let's make something awesome together!
Joined on 6/20/05
Posted by JordanKinsley - December 9th, 2011
I've had this Moon Flower growing in my room for a long time... It just bloomed, man it is such a treat.
You can see more pictures of it, at my site.
Posted by JordanKinsley - December 8th, 2011
Updated my blog with a new Gardening Section!
-Shows Slideshows of HQ Photos of my Flowers
Here is one of my flowers from the gardening section.
Posted by JordanKinsley - December 6th, 2011
Am moving my blog from flashcartoons domain, to my own! bloo-apple.com that is all...
Posted by JordanKinsley - December 2nd, 2011
It kind of looks like a rolled joint haha. But It's really just a Blue Morning Glory Flower, waiting to bloom. Hopefully it will tomorrow morning. I can't wait to take some pictures.
In other news, I just updated my blog and my forum. My forum has a new logo, and my website has a new theme/style to it. Check them out :)
Posted by JordanKinsley - December 1st, 2011
Just set up my own website and I got a forum going. You should check it out. It's brand new, so not much has happened yet.
Posted by JordanKinsley - November 24th, 2011
Hey guys, I have posted a few pictures before of my morning glory flowers, and they always looks so amazing. I have to share another... This picture has one of it's heart shaped leaves and a nice view of it's purple flower with red streaks.
Posted by JordanKinsley - November 23rd, 2011
I actually set this as my desktop. Full size here!
That link also has another picture of a white one.
What do you think?
This is a picture of one of my PURPLE Morning Glory Flowers.
Posted by JordanKinsley - November 22nd, 2011
a new color of morning glory bloomed this morning... before it was purple, but now this plant is white. It looks so stunning. You should see the full size images on my site....
Posted by JordanKinsley - November 14th, 2011
It Bloomed This Morning, just like I said B)
It looked so beautiful. I think I will share it with you.
It's a Purple Morning Glory Flower.
Posted by JordanKinsley - November 13th, 2011
is about to bloom.
It is a purple Morning Glory Flower. I love how it looks all twisty.
isnt she pretty?